
Long-time client Havspaddeln needed lifestyle pictures of most of their kayaks in use. They wanted it in the magical fjords and lakes around where I live. During the fall of 2021, I spent most of the beautiful days photographing the kayaks around Romsdalen. There were many days I needed to spend hours in the water to get the right angle. Also, some close calls when it came to the equipment and water…

Åndalsnes, Norway
Services provided

Client background

Havspaddeln is relatively new to the kayak industry but is already the second-largest in selling kayaks in Sweden. We have worked together for a long time as they were the first to give me a photography gig. Since then, I have delivered many projects for them.

Scope of work

All kinds of lifestyle/product photography for the kayaks and their accessories. I spent eight days photographing and many hours behind the computer editing. I was responsible for everything as they were in Sweden. It included locations, models and all the planning.

The result

A successful project with 779 edited images delivered, ready for commercial use. It is their marketing material, along with the images I photographed for them earlier.

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